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I'm not going to e-bash you for this because you sound genuine and it seems you really tried.

But mate, this is just not good enough for NG standards, although you do see a lot of crap on here.

You need to lip-sunch it better.

And the graphics wouldn't hurt to make them a little more attractive.

But the one thing that really pissed me off was the quality of the sound. I don't know whether you have a shitty microphone or you just didn't compress/record it properly, either way, the sounds hurt my ears.

I know you can do better. Keep it up!


Luchastyle responds:

Heh, e-bash. Well thanks for the honesty. Yeah, i coulda done the lips better. And yes, i have a shitty microphone, but the audio doesn't sound THAT bad when i listen to it. And while the animation may not be up to NG standards, you coulda gave me some props on the general humor and premise. because generally speaking the highly rated NG animations aren't very funny, it's just a guy who is willing to spend 3 months on a good looking animation with no substance. but thanks for the review =D

Timeless Masterpiece!

This was great. That opening intro will boost any flash's score by at least 1.5. It rocks!

The artwork and all was top notch.

This is a highly recommended flash.


mgproductions responds:

thank you!! wow you made it sound like im a profesional lol

Timeless Masterpiece!

I'm proud to be one the first people to review this instant classic.

I love the use of different colour palettes to really highlight the different tones of the movie.

Great job guys!


Magyar responds:

thanks for the nice reveiw.

ahah CRAZY!

This is an epic masterpiece!


Athi responds:

Thanks ^^

Pretty cool!

The flames looked pretty nice and were well animated.

And when people are on fire, it's funny to hear them in pain.



wildman1001 responds:

ye the pain is allways the fun part.

ahah, I like it!

Not bad for a very short short!


BoneOfChickan responds:

Thanks. i'll make the next one longer ^.^

You did it again!

And the one and only "Marcus Graham" strikes gold again.

I hope this gets a daily feature or a review crew pick.

Good stuff mate.

It was just comedy gold.

Your ideas are just awesome.


mgproductions responds:

oh cheers ^_^


This could have been much much better.

Things you could improve on:
- the sound, the sound was not too clear, either its your microphone or the compression rate, I don't know, but just make the sound better, more clearer.
- the graphics. a bit sloppy, but then again, thats' something I should be complainging about because it's up to the artist's skill leve that determines this.
- the plot was very disappointing. You really set a great mood, but ended it in disaster with polt flaws and a lazy ending.

You should have written a good script and played this flash out in a couple episodes. Could have been really good.

The only reason I'm writing this review is because I'd to see more of this stuff on NG, there ain't much murder/mystery type flashes on here.


DjGurk responds:

Thanks, i was gonna make it to be continued and have more murders, like who is the knifer. Sorry for the sound, i have a crappy free sound recorder. Yeah i know the ending is dissapointing but what are u gonna do.

I am Tuan Ho. Would you like to know more? One day, James Cameron, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg and Paul Verhoeven will get together and create a superbaby that will write and direct the greatest film in the past 5000 years. That day would be swell.

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